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Are you worried that your stress and emotions are sucking the joy out of your life and jeopardizing your relationships?

You know that unmanaged stress can seriously effect your health and wellness.


You know it's true that unaddressed emotions build up and either cause you to "numb out" or explode. 


And you also know that learning how to manage stress and deal with emotions from an expert who shares your Christian beliefs is the quickest and easiest way to more peace, better relationships, and feeling comfortable in your own skin. 


And that's why I created Redeeming Emotional Wellness

to help you manage stress and learn to deal with emotions

in a healthy and Biblical way. 










Through this ground-breaking program for Christian women, you will quickly be on your way to: â€‹

  • Have the ability to relieve stress even in the craziest times

  • Learn to work with your emotions with ease and confidence

  • Relax without guilt or feeling like you're going to jump out of your skin

  • More easily pursue God's purpose for your life because you're no longer consumed with stress and overwhelming emotions

  • Deal with challenging situations without exploding or withdrawing emotionally


WITHOUT compromising your faith

WITHOUT disclosing painful details

WITHOUT reliving distressing memories

WITHOUT wallowing in emotions for days, weeks, or months

WITHOUT spending years in therapy


(not judging therapy at all here, friend, but I want you to know you can start seeing and feeling results in just a few coaching sessions.)


Not only that, but you'll be able to:

  • Be more available emotionally to your spouse, kids, and loved ones

  • Deal with life's problems with decisiveness and stronger faith

  • Set better limits on habits like scrolling, online shopping, binge watching, etc. 

  • Stop repetitive anxious thoughts in their tracks


The great news is that I've created Redeeming Emotional Wellness just for you!


This life-changing program will walk you step-by-step through my

3:Re Emotional Wellness Method™

where you:

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Reclaim Your Life From Stress

Renew Your Mind

Release Emotions

Lasting Transformation
Powerful Teaching + Laser Focused Small Group Coaching
Inside Redeeming Emotional Wellness, I will show you how to:
  • How to easily stimulate your "rest and relax" response even if you're super stressed.

  • Kicking time-wasters and schedule hogs to the curb so you have time to de-stress and and chill out.

  • The secret to shifting your emotions and behaviors.

  • Three keys to eliminating negative self-talk and fearful mindsets.

  • Understanding how your brain can be your biggest ally or the greatest enemy of your growth.

  • Demystifying emotions and working with them in a godly way. 

  • Easily releasing emotions without having to wallow in them or "stuff" them. 

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Hi, I'm Kate Wood

Christian Life Coach

Emotional Intelligence Coach

Health Coach

Behavior Change Specialist


I've worked in the wellness industry for over 20 years helping women shrink stress, "make friends" with their emotions, and live in greater mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. 

Program Details

This 6-week program includes a weekly 90-minute teaching/group coaching session to bring you lasting, powerful results with as much ease as possible.  


I'm with you every step of the way and you have the group cheering you on as well!  




If stress and emotional overwhelm or numbing are stumbling blocks for you, please don't miss this opportunity! 




Mega Bonus #1 : The audio file of the stress relief technique that my clients can't stop talking about.


Mega Bonus #2 : "The Time Mastery Blueprint: Reclaim 7 Hours a Week for What Matters Most"


Mega Bonus #3: A Special "Bring your Kids to Coaching Day" where I'll teach kid-friendly relaxation techniques! 



60-day Money Back Guarantee  

If you complete the six classes and don't believe that you've experienced a big shift in your stress level and emotional know-how, contact me within 60 days of our starting date and I will refund 100% of your money.  

Redeeming Emotional Wellness

As a participant this 6-week one-time-only beta program you're receiving:

  • Weekly amazing stress relieving and emotional savviness classes

  • Weekly transformational group coaching sessions

  • My bonus audio for banishing stress in minutes

  • My bonus "Time Mastery Blueprint" to win you back at least 7 hour pers week. 

  • The bonus "Bring Your Kids to Coaching Day" with kid-friendly relaxation techniques.


AND I've taken on ALL the risk with my 60-day money back guarantee so you don't have to!

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This is your opportunity to finally manage stress, make friends with your emotions, and get your life back!  


Are you ready?  Heck yeah you are! 

What Other Women are Saying







"I regularly find myself thinking, “Wow, I feel really happy right now” or “I feel very peaceful." 
- Gina


"Kate is the whole package when needing coaching about health, fitness and
emotional and spiritual health
- Beverly


"I was able to propel past overwhelm and crippling beliefs. I've gained the confidence and
wisdom to act decisively."




Invest in Yourself & Your Wellness  


You are worth it.


Your relationships with your loved ones are worth it.


Your ability to serve God with more freedom and joy is worth it.





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Feel free to email me at

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